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Early effects of Lasonolide A on pancreatic cancer cells
Synthetic Analogues of the Microtubule-Stabilizing Agent (+)-Discodermolide: Preparation and Biological Activity
Selective cytotoxic activity of the marine derivedbatzelline compounds against pancreatic cancer cell lines
Antifungal activity of meridine, a natural product from the marine sponge Corticium sp.
Retention efficiencies of the coral reef sponges Aplysina lacunosa, Callyspongia vaginalis and Niphates digitalis determined by Coulter counter and plate culture analysis
Spongiatriol Inhibits Nuclear Factor Kappa B Activation and Induces Apoptosis in Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Bioactivity of marine organisms: relationships with taxonomy, geography and depth
Lasonolides C—G, Five New Lasonolide Compounds from the Sponge Forcepia sp.
Neopeltolide a new macrolide from a lithistid sponge of the family Neopeltidae
Leiodermatolide, a potent antimitotic macrolide from the marine sponge Leiodermatium sp.
Final cruise report: Submersible and scuba collections around little Bahama Bank, Bahama Islands
Isolation, synthesis, and biological activity of Aphrocallistin, an adenine-substituted bromotyramine metabolite from the hexactinellida sponge Aphrocallistes beatrix
Preliminary cruise report: Submersible and scuba collections in the coastal waters of Honduras, the Bay Islands: Biomedical and biodiversity research of the benthic communities with emphasis on the porifera, algae and gorgonacea