Current Search:   Montgomery, John R. (x)

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Sediment size analysis of sediments collected from Halodule wrightii seagrass beds
The determination of total organic carbon in seawater
Temporal dynamics of copper chemistry in the shoal grass, Halodule Wrightii Aschers
The analysis of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, and manganese in estuarine waters
Sulfate analysis in saline waters using an automated turbidimetric method
Predicting level of dissolved reactive phosphate in the Lafayette River, Virginia, from information on tide, wind, temperature, and sewage discharge
Pore water chemistry of an overwash mangrove island
Variability of dissolved reactive phosphate flux rates in nearshore estuarine sediments: Effects of groundwater flow
An automated system of sample analysis for a total carbon analyser
A close-interval sampler for collection of sediment pore waters for nutrient analyses
Release of trace metals by sewage sludge and the subsequent uptake by members of a turtle grass mangrove ecosystem
Automation of nutrient determinations in seawater using a technicon autoanalyer interfaced to an Apple II microcomputer/ISAAC data acquisition system
The collection, analysis and variation of nutrients in estuarine pore water
Transplanting and survival of the seagrass Halodule wrightii under controlled conditions
A comparison of ceramic cup and Teflon in situ samplers for nutrient pore water determinations
Effects of ammonium nitrate on sensitivity for determinations of copper, iron, and manganese in sea water by atomic absorption spectrometry with pyrolytically coated graphite tubes
Organic-free water for total organic carbon determination
A portable non-contaminating sampling system for iron and manganese in sediment pore water
Effects of a decomposing drift algal mat on sediment pore water nutrient concentrations in a Florida seagrass bed
Production and nutrient dynamics of a Syringodium filiforme Kütz. seagrass bed in Indian River Lagoon, Florida
