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Differential expression of cardiac troponin T isoforms in normal and cardiac non-function mutant axolotl hearts
The Application of Yeast Three-Hybrid Technology in the Mexican Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) System.
Identification of a truncated form of methionine sulfoxide reductase a expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells
Myofibril-Inducing RNA (MIR) is essential for tropomyosin expression and myofibrillogenesis in axolotl hearts
Posttranscriptional regulation of tropomyosin expression by myofibril inducing RNA (MIR) during axolotl embryonic heart development
Fetal and Adult Human Heart RNA Promotes Myofibrillogenesis and Stimulates a Heart Beat in Cardiac Non-function Mutant Mexican Axolotl Hearts in Organ Culture