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Isolation and structure elucidation of onnamide a, a new bioactive metabolite of a marine sponge, Theonella sp.
New manzamine alkaloids from a sponge of the genus xestospongia
8-hydroxymanzamine A, a β-Carboline alkaoid from a sponge, Pachypellina sp
Three bromotyrosine derivatives, one terminating in an unprecedented diketocyclopentenylidene enamine
Sponge-derived polyunsaturated C16 di- and tribromocarboxylic acids
Two cytotoxic 3, 6-epidoxy fatty acids from an Indonesian sponge, Plakortis sp.
Kauluamine: an unprecedented manzamine dimer from an Indonesian marine sponge, Prianos sp
Kumusine, a chloroadenine riboside from a sponge, Theonella sp.