Current Search:   Han, Chingping Jim (x)

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Design patterns and object oriented model of a biometric service system
Object-oriented process planning system for printed circuit boards fabrication (OOPP)
Object-oriented models for material requirements planning systems
Simulation modeling for hospital emergency department resource analysis
Application of relational database to computer-aided process planning
Design of an ankle implant using design for assembly (DFA) principles
Modeling and analysis of global collaborative outsourcing manufacturing systems (GCOM) using Monte Carlo simulation
Multiple-period supply chain contract modeling with dynamic stochastic and price-elastic demand
Modeling strategic resource allocation in probabilistic global supply chain system with genetic algorithm
Evolutionary algorithms for design and control of material handling and manufacturing systems
Object recognition by genetic algorithm
Quantitative methodology and applications in measuring supply chain complexity
computer aided process planning application using data management software
evaluation on two plastic materials for Vo's ankle implant
object-oriented model for a manufacturing resource planning system
Managing the conversion to a reusable container program and capturing the total cost with simulation
microprocessor design team assignment problem with a new multistage stochastic/Brownian motion model
method for the optimization of product development resource allocation
three-dimensional finite element model for the biomechanical analysis of total ankle replacement
Sensitivity analysis for machine cell formation using mathematical model and computer simulation
