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Dihydroxyaerothionin and aerophobin I. Two brominated tyrosine metabolites from the deep water marine sponge Verongula rigida
Discodermide: a new bioactive macrocyclic lactam from the marine sponge Discodermia dissoluta
Discodermolide: a new bioactive polyhydroxylated lactone from the marine sponge Discodermia dissoluta
Discodermolide-a new, marine-derived immunosuppressive compound. II.In vivo studies
Discodermolide- a new, marine-derived immunosuppressive compound. I.In vitro studies
Species differentiation in the marine sponge genus Discodermia (Demospongiae, Lithistida): the utility of ethanol extract profiles as species-specific chemotaxonomic markers
Two new bioactive cyclic peroxides from the marine sponge Plakortis angulospiculatus
Hamacanthins A and B. New antifungal bis indole alkaloids from the deep-water marine sponge, Hamacantha sp
New antiviral sterol disulfate ortho esters from the marine sponge Petrosia weinbergi
A new cytotoxic sterol methoxymethyl ether from a deep water marine sponge Scleritoderma sp. cf. paccardi
Isometachromin, a new cytotoxic sesquiterpenoid from a deep water sponge of the family Spongiidae
Weinbersterol disulfates A and B, antiviral steroid sulfates from the sponge Petrosia Weinbergi
Differential effects of domoic acid and E. coli lipopolysaccharide ontumor necrosis factor-α, transforming growth factor-β1 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 release by ratneonatal microglia: evaluation of the direct activation hypothesis
Dysidiolide: a novel protein phosphatase inhibitor from the Caribbean sponge Dysidea etheria de Laubenfels
Ophirapstanol trisulfate, a new biologically active steroid sulfate from the deep water marine sponge Topsentia ophiraphidites
Selective cytotoxic activity of the marine derivedbatzelline compounds against pancreatic cancer cell lines
Discodermolide, a cytotoxic marine agent that stabilizes microtubules more potently than taxol
Topsentin, bromotopsentin, and dihydrodeoxybromotopsentin; antiviral and antitumor bis(indolyl)imidazoles from Caribbean deep-sea sponges of the family Halichondriidae. Structural and synthetic studies
Marine sponge Bis(Indole) alkaloids that displace ligand binding to α1 adrenergic receptors