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Aerodynamic analysis of a propeller in a turbulent boundary layer flow
Broadband blade self noise prediction for subsonic prop fans
Modeling of shallow water ambient noise directionality using the effective depth approximation
Model experiments for the acoustic field in a water column which includes the effects of shear in marine sediments
Modelling of underwater ambient noise due to whitecaps
Non-linear convection of a vortex sheet past a cascade of airfoils
Prediction of broadband self-noise of an airfoil
Radius distribution of ocean near surface bubbles
Response of a cascade of blades to an incoming turbulent flow
effects of sensor mislocation in vertical arrays
comparison of shallow water sound propagation measurements and computer model predictions
experimental study of the response of circular plates subjected to fluid loading
Low-frequency source height measurements
passive platform for tracking underwater vehicles
Investigating the effects of measured noise source heights on the predicted insertion loss of noise barriers in the new TNM software
Far-Field Noise From a Rotor in a Wind Tunnel
A Computational Analysis of Bio-Inspired Modified Boundary Layers for Acoustic Pressure Shielding in A Turbulent Wall Jet
On the Low Order Model of Turbulence in the Wake of a Cylinder and Airfoil – URANS Approach
Noise Radiation From A Cylindrical Embossment Immersed In Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow
