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Phytoplankton ecology of the Indian River near Vero Beach, Florida
A check-list of the phytoplankton of the Indian River near Vero Beach, Florida
Primary production in three subtropical seagrass communities: a comparison of four autotrophic components
Comparative valve and cingular strcture in Biddulphia titiana (Grunow) Grunow in Van Heurck andTrigonium arcticum (Brightwell) Cleve (Bacillariophyceae)
Marine diatoms of the Bahamas. III. Mastogloia Thw. ex Wm. Sm. species of the groups Inaequales, Lanceolatae, Sulcatae and Undulatae
Marine diatoms of the Bahamas. I. Mastogloia Thw. ex Wm. Sm. species of the groups Lanceolatae and Undulatae
Marine diatoms of the Bahamas. II. Mastogloia  Thw. ex Wm. Sm. Species of the groups Decussatae and Ellipticae
An ultrastructure study of Pseudohimantidium  pacificum Hust. & Krasske (Bacillariophyceae: Protoraphidaceae) with special reference to the labiate processes
A comparison of primary production rates in Indian River, Florida seagrass systems
Use of a simple water column sampler to monitor chemical and biological conditions in shallow waters
Pseudohimantidium pacificum, an epizoic diatom new to the Florida Current (Western North Atlantic Ocean)
Protoraphis atlantica sp. nov., a new marine epizoic diatom
Observations ofloculi and associated extracellular material in several Mastogloia (Bacillariophyceae) species
Observations of stalk production byPseudohimantidium pacificum Hust. & Krasske (Bacillariophyceae: Protoraphidaceae)
Ultrastructuralstudies on some Mastogloia (Bacillariophyceae) species belonging to the group sulcatae
Ultrastructural Studies on some Mastogloia (Baccilariophyceae) species belonging to the group ellipticae
Valve structure in Mastogloia Rostrata with a comparison of intercalary band internal construction in two dissimilardiatom species
Herbivory and detritivory among gammaridean amphipods from a Florida seagrass community
Photosynthesis and calcification in four deep-water Halimeda species (Chlorophyceae, Caulerpales)
Chlorophyll distribution in continental shelf sediments off West Palm Beach, Florida and west end, Bahamas
