Current Search:   Emson, Roland H. (x)

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Smart collagen in sea lilies
A fire worm with a sheltered life: studies of Benthoscolex cubanus Hartman (Amphinomidae), an internal associate of the bathyal sea-urchin Archeopneustes hystrix (A. Agassiz, 1880)
Perception and selection of macrophyte detrital falls by the bathyal echinoid Stylocidaris lineata
Variable tensility of the ligaments in the stalk of sea-lily
Embryonic pressure tolerancesof bathyal and littoral echinoids from the tropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Influence of wave-induced disturbance on seasonal spawning patterns in the sabellariid polychaete Phragmatopoma lapidosa
Life on a hot, dry beach: behavioural, physiological and ultrastructural adaptations of the littorinid gastropod Cenchritis (Tectarius) muricatus
Form and function of the primary spines of two bathyal echinothuriid sea urchins
Feeding mechanism of the brisingid starfish Novodinia antillensis
Rapid arm movements in stalked crinoids