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Berth scheduling in container terminals
Analysis of ship hull and plate vibrations caused by wave forces
Boundary reflection coefficient estimation from depth dependence of the acoustic Green's function
Characterizing magnetic noise of AUV for use in towed magnetometer study of internal waves
Carbon fiber/vinylester composites in the marine environment
Coating selection process for Gulf Stream hydroturbines
Concrete diffusivity and its correlation with chloride deposition rate on concrete exposed to marine environments
Degradation of mechanical properties of vinylester and carbon fiber/vinylester composites due to environmental exposure
Design and analysis of an ocean current turbine performance assessment system
Design & performance of a wind and solar-powered autonomous surface vehicle
Evaluation of motion compensated ADV measurements for quantifying velocity fluctuations
Estimates of water turbine noise levels
Experiments and modeling on resistivity of multi-layer concrete with and without embedded rebar
Concrete surface resistivity profiles along the splash zone on bridge piles exposed to sea water
Corrosion initiation and propagation on corrosion resistant alloys embedded in concrete by accelerated chloride transport
Dynamic positioning and motion mitigation of a scaled sea basing platform
Development and experimental testing of an amphibious vehicle
Development and implementation of an adaptive controller for station keeping of small outboard-powered vessels
Development of an integrated computational tool for design and analysis of composite turbine blades under ocean current loading
Durability of carbon fiber/vinylester composites subjected to marine environments and electrochemical interactions
