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Reiswigins A and B, novel antiviral diterpenes from a deepwater sponge
Brianthein V, a new cytotoxic and antiviral diterpene isolated from Briareum asbestinum
Isospongiadiol, a cytotoxic and antiviral diterpene from a Caribbean deep water marine sponge, Spongia sp.
3-amino-1-(2-aminoimidazolyl)-prop-i-ene from the marine sponges Teichaxinella morchella and Ptilocaulis walpersi
An antiviral sesquiterpene hydroquinone from the marine sponge Strongylophora hartmani
Halitunal, an unusual diterpene aldehyde from the marine alga Halimeda tuna
A nondisposable microplate for use with organic solvents
Fistularin 3 and 11-Ketofistularin 3. Feline leukemia virus active bromotyrosine metabolites from the marine sponge Aplysina archeri
New antiviral sterol disulfate ortho esters from the marine sponge Petrosia weinbergi
The chemistry and biological activity of five marine sponges of the genus Aplysina
Weinbersterol disulfates A and B, antiviral steroid sulfates from the sponge Petrosia Weinbergi
Topsentin, bromotopsentin, and dihydrodeoxybromotopsentin; antiviral and antitumor bis(indolyl)imidazoles from Caribbean deep-sea sponges of the family Halichondriidae. Structural and synthetic studies
A new bis-(indole) alkaloid from a deep-water marine sponge of the genus Spongosorites