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Baudrillardian examination of municipalities as public relations and marketing firms
An empirical analysis of the roles assumed by public administrators
Collaborative governance and the implementation of the Ryan White CARE Act
Democratic accountability for outsourced government services
social construction of breast and prostate cancer policy
influence of the global economic crisis on the relationship between governance and economic growth
evaluation of the impact of local government institutions on business resilience in disaster
comparative study of the relationships between conflict management styles and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and propensity to leave the job among Saudi and American universities' faculty members
Public asset management
How do home and community based services change long-term care?
Mimetic, coercive, and normative influences in institutionalization of organizational practices
Sisyphusian predicament
Space, place, and identity in Yevgeny Zamyatin's We and J.G. Ballard's The Drowned World
Attitudes toward gun control laws
Preventing the next Abu Gharib
exploration of religious terrorism over time
The frames and ideographs of water reuse policy discourses: an application of narrative analysis and text analytics
analysis of accountability in public-private health care programs serving vulnerable populations
Understanding group emotional intelligence in the public sector
A Content Analysis on Police Killings of Unarmed Black Males: An Assessment on Experts' Quotes in National News Sources
