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The Impact of a Museum-Based Science Methods Course on Early Childhood/Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Ability to Develop Curriculum Using a Constructivist Approach
Curriculum-based readers theatre as an approach to teaching English language learners: teachers’ perceptions after professional development and classroom implementation
An investigation of the teaching practices of music teaching artists participating in four selected elementary school arts integration projects
Exploring Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Voices: A Critical Case Study With Middle School Students
Exploring pedagogical relationships within a culture of creativity in a Reggio Emilia-inspired school
Creativity in an arts integrated third space: a case study of elementary school students in an international collaboration
Equitable access to educational resources: an investigation of the distribution of teacher qualityacross secondary schools in South Florida
Impact of Collaborative Work Analysis Professional Development in Teacher Practice and Student Writing
Perceptions of Academic Resilience Among Teachers and Twelfth Grade Adolescent Girls
Talking in Circles: A Mixed Methods Study of School-wide Restorative Practices in Two Urban Middle Schools
Writing, elementary teachers, and English language learners: a case study of teacher reported pedagogical knowledge and collaborative inquiry in a title 1 school
Understanding how national board certified secondary mathematics teachers integrate academic and social knowledge of students into their practice
Teacher perceptions of response to intervention for English learners