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Caring for Caregivers: Challenges of Paid Caring Labor in the United States Home Health Industry
Holding African states to task on gender and violence: Domesticating UNSCR 1325 in the Sierra Leone National Action Plan
Breaking through the Brass Ceiling: Women Soldiers in the American Military
Positive Perspectives on Prevention: Southern Women's Voices on HIV/AIDS in an African American Community
Recognizing gender-based violence in armed conflict: Incorporating the voices of women in international humanitarian law
From wise woman to mutilated hag: Witchcraft violence in Ghana
Finding their voice: Identifying signifiers of women's agency and empowerment in the work of Haitian women artists
Care at Work: A Feminist Analysis of the Long-Term Care Industry in the United States
The eye of the beholder: ladino and indigenous pageantry in neocolonial Guatemala