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Mindful Reading Strategy for Parents: Impact on Parental Perception of Behavioral Disorder Problem Behaviors and Parent-Child Relationship.
Aragon, Catalina, Gordon, Shirley, Ward, Janet V., Florida Atlantic University, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
Clinical question: In parents with children 3-5 years of age with reported behavioral disorder problem behaviors (P), how does implementing a mindful reading strategy with their children, (I) compared to traditional reading or no reading (C) effect parents’ perception of problem behaviors and parent-child relationship (O) within 8 weeks (T)? This quality improvement DNP project examined the effectiveness of an online video parent training program, Mindful Reading Strategy for Parents, created...
Show moreClinical question: In parents with children 3-5 years of age with reported behavioral disorder problem behaviors (P), how does implementing a mindful reading strategy with their children, (I) compared to traditional reading or no reading (C) effect parents’ perception of problem behaviors and parent-child relationship (O) within 8 weeks (T)? This quality improvement DNP project examined the effectiveness of an online video parent training program, Mindful Reading Strategy for Parents, created based on the recommendations of Susan Hendler Lederer, PhD (Lederer, 2018). The theory of Nursing as Caring by Boykin & Schoenhofer was used to ground this project in caring (Boykin & Schoenhofer, 2015; Boykin & Schoenhofer, 2019). A convenience sample of three English speaking participants with children aged 4 and 5 with parental reported behavioral disorder problem behaviors were recruited from an outpatient clinic and preschool. They were assessed prior to the video training and 8- weeks after using the Parent Perception Survey and Pre- and Post- Parent Survey. Parents reported improved parental perception of child's behavior, perception of at least one behavioral disorder problem behavior in their child, and perception of parent- child relationship. No changes in child's psychotropic medication regimen post intervention were reported and 66% of parents read to their child at least 4 times per week during intervention. In this project, the Mindful Reading Strategy for Parents training program can have a positive effect on parents’ perception of problem behaviors and parent-child relationship. Implications include increasing parent and provider education of benefits of early intervention of mindfulness embedded reading strategies for children. Based on participant feedback, shortening the video training program may improve parent participation.
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