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Medusae from McMurdo sound, Ross Sea including the descriptions of two new species, Leuckartiara brownei and Benthocodon hyalinus
Western Atlantic midwater hydrozoan and scyphozoan medusae: in situ studies using manned submersibles
In situ observations of deepwater medusae in the genus Deepstaria, with a descriptionof D. Reticulum, sp. nov.
In situ foraging and feeding behavior of narcomedusae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa)
Ovarian morphology and oogenesis in Aurelia aurita (Scyphozoa: Semaeostomae): ultrastructural evidence of heterosynthetic yolk formation in a primitive metazoan
A new species of coronate scyphomedusa from the Bahamas, Atorella octogonos
Deep-sea benthic and benthopelagic medusae: recent observations from submersibles and a remotely operated vehicle
Stauromedusae of the genus Manania (= Thaumatoscyphus) (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) in the northeast Pacific, including descriptions of new species Manania gwilliami and Manania handi
