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Characterization of Mesophotic Coral/Sponge Habitats and Fish Assemblages in the Regions of Pulley Ridge and Tortugas from ROV Dives during R/V Walton Smith Cruises of 2012 to 2015
Distribution of Hard-Bottom Habitats on the Continental Shelf off the Northern and Central East Coast of Florida
FAU Climate Change Initiative Priority Theme: Research, Engineering, and Adaption to a Change Climate
Preliminary cruise report: Submersible and scuba collections in the coastal waters of Honduras, the Bay Islands: Biomedical and biodiversity research of the benthic communities with emphasis on the porifera, algae and gorgonacea
Photo - identification capture-mark-recapture techniques for estimating aboundance of bay, sound and esturary populations of bottlenose dolphins along the U.S. east coast and Gulf of Mexico: A workshop report
Cruise Report. Cuba's Twilight Zone Reefs: Remotely Operated Vehicle Surveys of Deep/Mesophotic Coral Reefs and Associated Fish Communities of Cuba
Exploration of the Canyon-Incised Continental Margin of the Northeastern United States Reveals Dynamic Habitats and Diverse Communities
Reconstruction of Family-Level Phylogenetic Relationships within Demospongiae (Porifera) Using Nuclear Encoded Housekeeping Genes
