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Oogenesis and female gametes
Metamorphosis and post-settling development of Sabellaria vulgaris (Verrill, 1873) (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae)
Metamorphosis and settlement in the Sabellariidae
Ultrastructural evidence for both autosynthetic andheterosynthetic yolk formation in the oocytes of an annelid (Phragmatopoma Lapidosa: Polychaeta)
Ultrastructure of spermatogenesis in the reef-building polychaete Phragmatopoma lapidosa (Sabellariidae) with special reference to acrosome morphogenesis
Ultrastructure of the ovary andoogenesis in the polychaete Capitella jonesi (Hartman, 1959)
Origin and development of the amoebocytes of Nicolea zostericola (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) with a discussion of their possible role in oogenesis
Evolutionary radiation in polychaete ovaries and vitellogenic mechanisms: their possible role in life history patterns
Polychaeta: oogenesis
Comparative aspects of oogenesis in polychaetes
Stochastic events and dynamics of a mangrove root epifaunal community
A light and electron microscope investigation of gametogenesis in Nicolea zostericola (Polychaeta: Terebellidae)
An ultrastructural study of oogenesis in Streblospio benedicti (Spionidae), with remarks on diversity of vitellogenic mechanisms in Polychaeta
Aspects of internalanatomy and reproduction in the copepoda
Functional morphology ofspermatophores and sperm transfer in calanoid copepods
Mating behavior of Centropages typicus (Copepoda: Calanoida)
Uptake of dissolved sulfide by Spartina alterniflora: evidence from natural sulfur isotope abundance ratios
Comparative ultrastructure of lipid storage sites in female Euchaeta marina and Pleuromamma xiphias (Copepoda: Calanoida)
New records and range extensions of deepwater algae from east Flower Garden Bank, northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Training ocean engineers for the twenty-first century
