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Do parent internal working models impact cortisol levels, affect regulation, and promote secure attachment in infants at risk?
Variations of soil physical properties across different habitats using GPR
Water conservation education using art integration for Grassy Waters Preserve
What is the impact of reputation orientation on marketing strategy and firm performance
YouTube, ideology & Justin Bieber
A characterization of the Lap Aquarius Phantom of external lap laser alignment and MR Geometric distortion verification for the use of SRS patient simulation
DNA fingerprinting of human oral microbiome: a first step towards development of early diagnosis of oral diseases
Family domestic violence and counseling therapies
Expressions of emotion in bilingual mother's child-directed speech
Effects of hippocampal impairment on distinct memory stages
Effects of stigma on the provision of services for persons with disabilities
Effects of MethionineSulfoxide Reductase (Msr) deficiency in Drosophila melanogaster
Effective education tools to support agricultural finance in sub Saharan Africa
Evaluation of LRT impact on traffic operations at 1300 S & 2100 S Arterials in Salt Lake City
Hydroelastic analysis of the surface ships subject to wave and slamming forces
Social movement momentum and intellectual work
The Brusselator: pattern formation in systems far from equilibrium
Fuel consumption and emissions reductions from engines using pre-combustion technologies and alternative fuels
Monte Carlo based dosimetry for the nucleotron ® Ir192 source with tissue heterogeneity corrections
Role of soluble junctional adhesion Molecule-C in mediating mammary epithelial cell mechanical properties and migration
