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Calpain cleavage of brain glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 is pathological and impairs GABA neurotransmission
Adult self-directed lifelong learners and 19th century baseball history: when an avocation produces seminal work
Bottoms up! Exploring early Fort Lauderdale through Glass analysis
Candidate TLR agonist restores DC-NK cross-talk and improves immunization outcomes in nicotine-exposed hosts
Cardiac patterns during another infant’s cry sound in neonates of depressed mothers
A proposal for the investigation of the relationships among panic disorder and locus of control, learned helplessness, and anxiety sensitivity
Adding security to BPEL workflows of web services
Ad tracking on broadcast TV
FAU 2017 3MT® Three Minute Thesis Championship - Rachel Bladow
FAU 2017 3MT® Three Minute Thesis Championship - Daniel Creed
Defining Belle Glade prehistoric culture through skeletal analysis: Closing the 36,000 square mile gap in Florida history
Analysis of the Drosophila Sox gene Dichaete in the adult olfactory circuit
Android app for smart health choices
Assessment of public acceptance of a multi-unit housing, smoke-free policy in Broward County, FL
Comparing "look patterns" of infants and adults when viewing a talking face
Comparison of non-traditional intersection designs using microscopic simulation
Corrosion propagation of dry-cast reinforced concrete pipes after initiation
Corrosion initiation on corrosion resistant alloys via acceleration chloride transport
Correcting diastolic dysfunction by Ca2+ desensitizing Troponin in restrictive cardiomyopathy mice
Dissipation and eddy mixing associated with flow past an underwater turbine
