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Graduate Student Research Day 2011
Inaugural Graduate Student Research Day
Fifth Annual GPSA Research Day
Fourth Annual GSA Graduate Student Research Day
Sixth Annual GPSA Research Day
Third Annual GSA Graduate Student Research Day
3MT® 2017 Championship Program
3MT® 2016 Championship Program
2017 FAU Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition
2016 FAU Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Heat Winners
FAU 2016 3MT® Three Minute Thesis Championship Red Carpet
Florida Atlantic University 3MT® Championship Winner 2016
Using Microsimulation and NGSIM Data to Validate HCM Methodology for Oversaturated Freeway Weaving Segments
To show the differences and similarities in Iranian and American culture through the graphic design
Paleodemography of Highland Beach: Reexamining the Demographic Parameters of a Native American Population from Southeastern Florida
Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction at the Jupiter Inlet I Site: An Archaeomalacological Approach
FAU 2016 3MT® Three Minute Thesis Championship - Alberto Padilla
FAU 2016 3MT® Three Minute Thesis Championship - Rachel Finley
FAU 2016 3MT® Three Minute Thesis Championship - Nirthieca Suthakaran
FAU 2016 3MT® Three Minute Thesis Championship - Eric Nieves
