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Geoacoustic inversion of subbottom channels using mulitple frequency input parameters
Numerical performance prediction for FAU's first generation ocean current turbine
Numerical models to simulate underwater turbine noise levels
Nonlinear control of an unmanned amphibious vehicle
Noise radiation from small steps and cubic roughness elements in turbulent boundary layer flow
Test platform development for measuring surface effect ship response to wave loads
adhesive effects in dental restoration
acoustic far field of a turbulent boundary layer flow calculated from RANS simulations of the flow
Transport and dispersion of fire extinguishing agents downstream from clutter elements of aircraft engine nacelles
Vibration, buckling and impact of carbon nanotubes
hydrokinetic resource assessment of the Florida Current
resource assessment of Southeast Florida as related to ocean thermal energy
robust AUV docking guidance and navigation approach to handling unknown current disturbances
modular guidance, navigation and control system for unmanned surface vehicles
planar cable-driven robotic device for physical therapy assistance
low-cost, high rate motion measurement system for an unmanned surface vehicle with underwater navigation and oceanographic applications
methodology to detect and classify underwater unexploded ordnance in DIDSON sonar images
Turbo-coded frequency division multiplexing for underwater acoustic communications between 60 kHz and 90 kHz
fuzzy logic material selection methodology for renewable ocean energy applications
effects of nitric acid and silane surface treatments on carbon fibers and carbon/vinyl ester composites before and after seawater exposure
