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- Title
- Sinfonâia en rojo: el prisma de Elisabeth Mulder.
- Creator
- Del Olmo Lâopez, Itxaso., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
This thesis aims to rescue the name of Elisabeth Mulder, a Spanish female poet who started to publish her first poetry books around the rise of the Generation of 1927 in Spain. The importance of this work hinges on the recognition of Mulder as a female poet whose work has been marginalized from the literary canon, like that of many other women of her era. This thesis focuses on Mulde''s third poetry collection, Sinfonâia en rojo, which was published in 1929 and stands out for its symbolic...
Show moreThis thesis aims to rescue the name of Elisabeth Mulder, a Spanish female poet who started to publish her first poetry books around the rise of the Generation of 1927 in Spain. The importance of this work hinges on the recognition of Mulder as a female poet whose work has been marginalized from the literary canon, like that of many other women of her era. This thesis focuses on Mulde''s third poetry collection, Sinfonâia en rojo, which was published in 1929 and stands out for its symbolic richness and its romantic and modernist features. Part of this research deals with the symbolism of the color red and the meanings that red acquires within the context of the poems. The main leitmotivs of Sinfonâia en rojo are the images of fire and blood, which are used to make reference to both the emotional and the physical world of the poetic voice. The research also focuses on the connections between Mulder's work and that of her contemporaries, and it suggests that she was in contact with the literary world of her era.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Subject Headings
- Influence, Criticism and interpretation, Spanish poetry, Women authors, Criticism and interpretation, Spanish poetry, Criticism and interpretation, Women and literature, Generacâion 27 (Group of poets)
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Smoothing out the rough edges: postcolonial spaces and postcolonial subjectivities in Le petit prince de Belleville and The celestial jukebox.
- Creator
- Anderson, Karyn H., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
Both Calixthe Beyala's Le petit prince de Belleville, published in France in 1992, and Cynthia Shearer's The Celestial Jukebox, published in the United States in 2005, explore similar questions regarding the place of immigrants in increasingly multicultural societies. Gilles Deleuze and Fâelix Guattari's concept of - smoothness and - striation illuminates the settings of these two texts, helping demonstrate that the Parisian neighborhood of Belleville presents a striated space dominated by...
Show moreBoth Calixthe Beyala's Le petit prince de Belleville, published in France in 1992, and Cynthia Shearer's The Celestial Jukebox, published in the United States in 2005, explore similar questions regarding the place of immigrants in increasingly multicultural societies. Gilles Deleuze and Fâelix Guattari's concept of - smoothness and - striation illuminates the settings of these two texts, helping demonstrate that the Parisian neighborhood of Belleville presents a striated space dominated by State constraints, from which the residents yearn to break free, and the fictional town of Madagascar, Mississippi consists of relatively smooth space that allows for local improvisation and engenders insecurity. The stories of Loukoum and Boubacar illustrate how these two characters negotiate their respective spaces, with Loukoum creating a position thoroughly between striated majority French culture and the smoothness of his diasporic sphere and Boubacar functioning as a rhizomatic nomad, embarking on an autonomous journey of discovery.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Subject Headings
- Criticism and interpretation, Criticism and interpretation, Multiculturalism, Philosophy, Emigration and immigration, Political and social aspects, Place (Philosophy) in literature, Women authors, Black, Criticism and interpretation
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
- ADNOT, GINETTE J., Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
De Beauvoir's Existentialist works , primarily Pour une morale de l'ambiguite and Existentialisme et la sagesse des nations, and her feminist work Le Deuxieme sexe, affirm that women are fully as capable of attaining Existentialist authenticity and liberty as men. The novels, however, portray women who often fail the Existentialist ideal, and always fail the feminist ideal. Indeed the major novels, including L'Invitee, Le Sang des autres, Les Mandarins, suggest an almost inverse relationship...
Show moreDe Beauvoir's Existentialist works , primarily Pour une morale de l'ambiguite and Existentialisme et la sagesse des nations, and her feminist work Le Deuxieme sexe, affirm that women are fully as capable of attaining Existentialist authenticity and liberty as men. The novels, however, portray women who often fail the Existentialist ideal, and always fail the feminist ideal. Indeed the major novels, including L'Invitee, Le Sang des autres, Les Mandarins, suggest an almost inverse relationship between feminist convictions and personal success. Having chosen not to depict female characters as social activists or revolutionaries but as women in love, de Beauvoir presents unhappy lovers unable to achieve independence from the dominant male. In accord with Existentialist precepts of realism, De Beauvoir's fiction illustrates not her feminist ideal hut her view of women's contemporary condition.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1982
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Romance
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
- BELLI, GREGORY CHARLES, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
This study attempts to discover and quantify the extent to which selected Black English features are present in the English of a group of United States Hispanic Children in south Florida. The five features are /r,l/ simplification, consonant cluster simplification, past tense verb marker reduction, copula deletion, and inverted embedded questions. The best indicators of Black English influence in the young Hispanic children's English are found to be regular past tense verb endings, third...
Show moreThis study attempts to discover and quantify the extent to which selected Black English features are present in the English of a group of United States Hispanic Children in south Florida. The five features are /r,l/ simplification, consonant cluster simplification, past tense verb marker reduction, copula deletion, and inverted embedded questions. The best indicators of Black English influence in the young Hispanic children's English are found to be regular past tense verb endings, third person singular present tense forms of be, words containing a preconsonantal l, present tense plural forms of be, and an words containing voiced consonant clusters, respectively. A hierarchy of factors contributing to the overall Black English influence is constructed. Relevant literature is reviewed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1979
- Subject Headings
- Language, Linguistics
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
- AVERY, FRANCES ANN, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
In 1903 Emile Fabre, consummate theater technician, presented his adaption of Balzac's La Rabouilleuse at the Odeon Theater in Paris. The novel appealed to Fabre's naturalist interest in the worlds of family and finance, and Fabre based the action on the intense conflict among three characters for the inheritance of a dim-witted old man. Fabre amplified Balzac's theme of of the debilitating effects of money on families, and on society at large. This vying for inheritance becomes not only a...
Show moreIn 1903 Emile Fabre, consummate theater technician, presented his adaption of Balzac's La Rabouilleuse at the Odeon Theater in Paris. The novel appealed to Fabre's naturalist interest in the worlds of family and finance, and Fabre based the action on the intense conflict among three characters for the inheritance of a dim-witted old man. Fabre amplified Balzac's theme of of the debilitating effects of money on families, and on society at large. This vying for inheritance becomes not only a game played for high stakes, but also a life-and-death struggle among beasts of prey. many of the alterations that Fabre made in adapting the novel into a play were necessitated by the change of literary genre, as in eliminating characters or creating composite figures. Many of the additions were made for purely theatrical reasons, enabling Fabre to present his money theme while, at the same time, holding his audience's interest until the final curtain. Other changes stemmed from Fabre's almost exclusive attention to finance, and his desire to stress its moral and political implications.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1979
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Romance
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
- BAHAMONDE, JOSE RICARDO, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
This edition was prepared as an independent or classroom study tool, in Spanish, for students of contemporary Spanish drama. The introduction includes a brief chapter on Valle-Inclan's biography. the following chapters focus their attention on the evolution of the author's style from his early period up to the esperpentos. the opinions of critics are mentioned throughout to familiarize the reader with authoritative references as well as with his work. Once the esperpento period is reached,...
Show moreThis edition was prepared as an independent or classroom study tool, in Spanish, for students of contemporary Spanish drama. The introduction includes a brief chapter on Valle-Inclan's biography. the following chapters focus their attention on the evolution of the author's style from his early period up to the esperpentos. the opinions of critics are mentioned throughout to familiarize the reader with authoritative references as well as with his work. Once the esperpento period is reached, one chapter is devoted to the treatment of the represented in Luces de bohemia. Finally the play is annotated in English and the difficult vocabulary is glossed. Amplifications at the end of each scene give additional, valuable information. More than fifty sources were consulted and/or quoted. By using this edition the reader deals with only one volume representative of what many references had to say about Valle-Inclan, his times, his works, the esperpento, and Luces the bohemia.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1974
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Romance
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Satire of the cuckold in the work of Francisco de Quevedo.
- Creator
- Averhoff, Ida Ibis, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
The "cuckold" is the prototype of the consenting husband in Quevedo's time. He represents the hypocrisy, the vanity, and, most of all, the moral decadence of Spanish society in the 17th Century. Quevedo expresses his great disillusion with the amoral behavior of his people and, through his satire, attempts to give a lesson on morality. Quevedo was able to transfer onto his work Spanish ideas and realities, giving them a serious character as that of an ascetic or a politician, with the...
Show moreThe "cuckold" is the prototype of the consenting husband in Quevedo's time. He represents the hypocrisy, the vanity, and, most of all, the moral decadence of Spanish society in the 17th Century. Quevedo expresses his great disillusion with the amoral behavior of his people and, through his satire, attempts to give a lesson on morality. Quevedo was able to transfer onto his work Spanish ideas and realities, giving them a serious character as that of an ascetic or a politician, with the pessimistic and sarcastic tone typical of his satire. Two important and influencing factors on his work and his way of looking at life were the family and cultural environment he was exposed to and the effect of his physical defects, which he succeeded in compensating due to his energetic personality. Quevedo used conceptism as his literary style, applying his genius to the creation of metaphors, taking the Spanish language to its maximum expression as no one else had done before him.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1992
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Romance
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
- Alker, Marietta Alice, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
The nineteenth century Austrian poet Nikolaus Lenau used strange associations of words and ideas which are reminiscent of the bizarre combinations of realism and fantasy the surrealists used at the beginning of the twentieth century. Categories of surrealistic devices are set up, and surrealistic paintings and the poetry of Lenau are discussed using these guidelines.
- Date Issued
- 1974
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Germanic
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
- BERMUDEZ, ALBERTO C., Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
Esta tesis analiza la obra poetica de Jose de Espronceda desde el punto de vista de su metrica. Espronceda es catalogado el tipico poeta romantico espanol. Lo que se pretende aqui es reiterar, a traves de la metrica, la filiacion del poeta al movimiento. El estudio esta compuesto de los siguientes capitulos: I) El romanticismo espanol y su metrica; II) El autor y su obra; III) Las poesias de Espronceda; IV) Borracores y copias atribuidos a Espronceca; V) Un poema largo; VI) Otro poema largo....
Show moreEsta tesis analiza la obra poetica de Jose de Espronceda desde el punto de vista de su metrica. Espronceda es catalogado el tipico poeta romantico espanol. Lo que se pretende aqui es reiterar, a traves de la metrica, la filiacion del poeta al movimiento. El estudio esta compuesto de los siguientes capitulos: I) El romanticismo espanol y su metrica; II) El autor y su obra; III) Las poesias de Espronceda; IV) Borracores y copias atribuidos a Espronceca; V) Un poema largo; VI) Otro poema largo. Siguiendo el resumen del movimiento romantico en Espana en el primer capitulo, el segundo trae la biografia del poeta. Los capitulos tres, cuatro, cinco y seis estan dedicados a la obra poetica de Espronceda. Termina este estudio la conclusion de que la metrica del poeta comprueba la conexion de este a los preceptos y caracteristicas del movimiento al que pertenece.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1974
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Romance
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- La aventura del heroe: Una aproximacion critica a "Lituma en los Andes" de Mario Vargas Llosa.
- Creator
- Barrero, Gabriela Ovando, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
Lituma en los Andes tackles the universal substance of myths, its atavistic stock of culture, prejudice and superstitions, which applied to the complex Peru uncovers taboos and reveals a political statement, whose non-fictional counterpart can be found in La utopia arcaica: Jose Maria Arguedas y las ficciones del indigenismo, by the same author. This thesis uses a mythological and archetypal approach to prove that the narration--whose underlying element are Andean myths--is structured as the...
Show moreLituma en los Andes tackles the universal substance of myths, its atavistic stock of culture, prejudice and superstitions, which applied to the complex Peru uncovers taboos and reveals a political statement, whose non-fictional counterpart can be found in La utopia arcaica: Jose Maria Arguedas y las ficciones del indigenismo, by the same author. This thesis uses a mythological and archetypal approach to prove that the narration--whose underlying element are Andean myths--is structured as the mythological adventure of a hero who must comply with the archetypal rites of passage: separation, initiation, and return. Lituma's trials lead him to a social and spiritual maturity and to discover the mysterious ancestral Peru, disdained by the more westernized Peruvians of the coast. The Andeans' fear of foreigners is represented by the myth of the pishtaco or throat-cutter, counterpart of the classical Minotaur. The encounter of the two scissioned worlds is only possible through love and friendship, in the framework of a pluralistic society, which is suggested by the novel's resolution.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1999
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Latin American
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An analysis of negative and interrogative structures in the English of junior high school ESL students in a bilingual community.
- Creator
- Briggs, Susan Ellen, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
This thesis investigates the acqusition of certain negative and interrogative structures by adolescent Spanish-speaking ESL students in a bilingual community. These ESL learners demonstrated two unexpected negating strategies using not plus the verb and never plus the verb. They likewise used does/did as an overgeneralized question marker. Age of first exposure to English did not appear to be a significant factor in the acquisition of the English auxiliary, and the students' acquisition of...
Show moreThis thesis investigates the acqusition of certain negative and interrogative structures by adolescent Spanish-speaking ESL students in a bilingual community. These ESL learners demonstrated two unexpected negating strategies using not plus the verb and never plus the verb. They likewise used does/did as an overgeneralized question marker. Age of first exposure to English did not appear to be a significant factor in the acquisition of the English auxiliary, and the students' acquisition of negative and interrogative structures appeared to be delayed in this bilingual environment, despite ESL instruction.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1988
- Subject Headings
- Education, Bilingual and Multicultural, Language, Linguistics
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- La identidad racial y cultural en la obra de Alicia Yanez Cossio.
- Creator
- Baez, Marcela A., Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
Alicia Yanez Cossio, an established novelist and short story writer from Ecuador, reflects on the most serious social problems in her country. She is especially concerned with the Ecuadorian people's identity. In her works she describes how the Church and State, which promote and maintain a patriarchal social structure, have perpetuated the devaluation of women that began with the conquest. This study analyzes how women confront and define their gender as well as their race in two novels:...
Show moreAlicia Yanez Cossio, an established novelist and short story writer from Ecuador, reflects on the most serious social problems in her country. She is especially concerned with the Ecuadorian people's identity. In her works she describes how the Church and State, which promote and maintain a patriarchal social structure, have perpetuated the devaluation of women that began with the conquest. This study analyzes how women confront and define their gender as well as their race in two novels: Bruna, soroche y los tios (1972) and La cofradia del mullo del vestido de la Virgen Pipona (2002). As she traces Ecuadorian history, Yanez Cossio draws paralellisms between the loss of identity and gender, and focuses on the repercussions this has had in the lives of Ecuadorian women. Through the characters she offers possible solutions. This thesis analyzes the writer's perspective of the identity problem in this South American country and the fight of its people, most specifically women, to recover their identity by recognizing their indigenous roots and their gender, in a social environment that denies either are significant or relevant.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Latin American, Anthropology, Cultural, Sociology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- La decheance matriarcale chez Zola: "L'assommoir" et "Germinal".
- Creator
- Alaoui, Sanaa Ismaili, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
- Abstract/Description
Critical studies of Zola's Rougon-Macquart novels, while explicating in detail the characterological functions of the women characters, including Gervaise in L'Assommoir and la Maheude in Germinal, have neglected the thematic functions of matriarchy in those texts as in the cycle as a whole. The decline of the matriarch is a prominent component of Zola's naturalistic scheme for the Rougon-Macquart , manifests not only in the increasing corruption of the progeny across the cycle, but primarily...
Show moreCritical studies of Zola's Rougon-Macquart novels, while explicating in detail the characterological functions of the women characters, including Gervaise in L'Assommoir and la Maheude in Germinal, have neglected the thematic functions of matriarchy in those texts as in the cycle as a whole. The decline of the matriarch is a prominent component of Zola's naturalistic scheme for the Rougon-Macquart , manifests not only in the increasing corruption of the progeny across the cycle, but primarily in the monographic depictions of the matriarchs themselves. Working-class mothers in particular embody the conflictual tensions of gender inequities and socio-economic deprivations that lead them to produce child-workers to support the family, typically becoming ever more negligent, on the model of Gervaise. Specifically in Germinal, Zola's largely negative conception of the fictive matriarch begins to change. This shift is sustained in subsequent texts of the cycle: the matriarch still suffers almost total loss (of husband, children, position), but she attains a new insight into the socio-economic system that so devours her offspring, and a new lucidity about her position within it.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2002
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Romance
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Le naturalisme fantastique chez Maupassant: Stylistique du "Horla".
- Creator
- Fois Assuied, Veronique C., Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
Like most nineteenth-century French realists, Maupassant's interest in positivistic models of the human being, from Darwinian evolution to the new psychologies, led him to scientific readings, detailed documentations of "milieu," and contemporary subjects which he then treated with literary techniques drawn from both the realist Flaubert and the naturalist Zola. It is in extending these techniques to the fantastic, however, that Maupassant achieves an original and highly effective amalgam...
Show moreLike most nineteenth-century French realists, Maupassant's interest in positivistic models of the human being, from Darwinian evolution to the new psychologies, led him to scientific readings, detailed documentations of "milieu," and contemporary subjects which he then treated with literary techniques drawn from both the realist Flaubert and the naturalist Zola. It is in extending these techniques to the fantastic, however, that Maupassant achieves an original and highly effective amalgam best characterized as "Le Naturalisme fantastique."
Show less - Date Issued
- 2001
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Romance
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
- ADAMS, JUDITH MARCEC, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Date Issued
- 1971
- Subject Headings
- Education, Language and Literature
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
- BERTOT, LILLIAN, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
The present study offers a series of observations based on extensive research into the phonology of the Spanish spoken in the province of Havana, Cuba. The phonemes for the province are determined, and special attention is given to allophonic variants peculiar to and/or characteristic of Havana. The allophonic variants are described in detail on articulatory and distributional criteria. There is a great deal of emphasis placed on the description of consonants. The vowels are also discussed....
Show moreThe present study offers a series of observations based on extensive research into the phonology of the Spanish spoken in the province of Havana, Cuba. The phonemes for the province are determined, and special attention is given to allophonic variants peculiar to and/or characteristic of Havana. The allophonic variants are described in detail on articulatory and distributional criteria. There is a great deal of emphasis placed on the description of consonants. The vowels are also discussed. There is no reference to suprasegmental phonological data. After the phonological studied is completed, the differences in the speech of socioeconomic groups are explained.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1969
- Subject Headings
- Language, Linguistics
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The significance of old French manuscript evidence for seeking all sources of "The Romaunt of the Rose".
- Creator
- Balis, Nathaniel Cogswell, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
The search for all sources of The Romaunt of the Rose, the fourteenth-century English version of Le roman de la Rose, focuses on Geoffrey Chaucer. The authorship controversy is so divisive that prominent medievalists like Huot, Hult, Robertson, and Badel write long volumes on the Roman's influence without mentioning the Romaunt. Comparing Geissman's list of rime-borrowings with both poems' concordances is the only way to end the debate, because Chaucer is the likeliest author and one must...
Show moreThe search for all sources of The Romaunt of the Rose, the fourteenth-century English version of Le roman de la Rose, focuses on Geoffrey Chaucer. The authorship controversy is so divisive that prominent medievalists like Huot, Hult, Robertson, and Badel write long volumes on the Roman's influence without mentioning the Romaunt. Comparing Geissman's list of rime-borrowings with both poems' concordances is the only way to end the debate, because Chaucer is the likeliest author and one must start with the most compatible French and English texts. At present, the best way to test Geoffrey Chaucer's authorship of the Middle English Romaunt is through close examination of the French rime-borrowings most orthoepically comparable in both languages that the Middle English writer occasionally chose to translate rather than borrow. This selective borrowing suggests the translator's attempt to bring each term slowly into the English mainstream, by using it at first only in its literal sense.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1994
- Subject Headings
- Language, Linguistics, Literature, Comparative, Literature, Medieval
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- La representacion de la aniquilacion de la creatividad artistica femenina en obras seleccionadas de Elena Poniatowska.
- Creator
- Adriazola-Rodriguez, Ana, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
The annihilation of women's artistic creativity in selected works by the Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska is a result of societal conditioning. Two short stories from Lilus Kikus and the short novel Querido Diego, te abraza Quiela portray the process of deterioration and demeaning obliteration of women's creative faculties, as they are conditioned to accept the conventional roles of wife and mother. Poniatowska's texts posit that, upon assuming these roles, the exercise of the creative artist...
Show moreThe annihilation of women's artistic creativity in selected works by the Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska is a result of societal conditioning. Two short stories from Lilus Kikus and the short novel Querido Diego, te abraza Quiela portray the process of deterioration and demeaning obliteration of women's creative faculties, as they are conditioned to accept the conventional roles of wife and mother. Poniatowska's texts posit that, upon assuming these roles, the exercise of the creative artist's use of her imagination is postponed or detrimentally transformed forever. In the selected texts, women's artistic creativity is chronicled first at its best while the characters are girls or adolescents. The neglect, procrastination, and attention to domestic and repetitive tasks as opposed to the pursuit of their creative vein is observed in the adult women characters. Poignantly portrayed is Quiela, Diego Rivera's common-law wife of ten years, who destroys her life and creative power by trying to be the perfect wife. These literary works speak forcefully to the social issues and institutions that place women artists in a bind; are the roles of artist, mother/wife incompatible?
Show less - Date Issued
- 2000
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Latin American, Women's Studies
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
- Pezzullo, Viviana, Munson, Marcella Lee, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
- Abstract/Description
This dissertation investigates the ethics of authorial collaboration in contemporary collaborative women’s writing and its effect on the power dynamics inherent in the writing process. Collaborative writing occupies a continuum, from ethnographic autobiography, in which the writer outranks the generally anonymous subject, to the celebrity “ghostwritten” autobiography, which overturns this hierarchy. This study focuses more narrowly on more covert forms of collaboration implying a differential...
Show moreThis dissertation investigates the ethics of authorial collaboration in contemporary collaborative women’s writing and its effect on the power dynamics inherent in the writing process. Collaborative writing occupies a continuum, from ethnographic autobiography, in which the writer outranks the generally anonymous subject, to the celebrity “ghostwritten” autobiography, which overturns this hierarchy. This study focuses more narrowly on more covert forms of collaboration implying a differential of symbolic capital that foregrounds asymmetrical writing relationships. Importantly, these asymmetrical relationships cannot be unproblematically reduced to the general (or generic) conception of “coauthorship,” turning instead towards a form of paratextual dialogue that acknowledges the presence of diverse and sometimes conflicting authorial voices that manifest themselves in various ways in different parts of the text. By focusing on a variety of covert collaborative forms, including so-told narratives from different epochs and traditions, the dissertation will expand our conception of collaborative writing and simultaneously develop a more dialogic notion of authorship, putting in conversation Bakhtinian concepts of dialogism, heteroglossia, and polyphony with feminist theory. The case studies present in the dissertation, ranging from feminist journals of the 1970s to slave narratives, provide the crucial function of offering a profound and carefully nuanced series of contexts in which to examine the deeper moral principles and obligations that tie collaborators to each other. Simultaneously, this analysis aims to start a discussion about privilege in the writing collaborative process as well as issues of minority representation in literature. The relationship between authorial voices that hold a differential of symbolic capital also invites to reflect on the complicated sociocultural dynamics between socalled “dominant” or “prestige” languages–what Pascale Casanova calls “dominating” languages–and “minority” languages (such as Italian dialects and Guadeloupean Creole). For this reason, starting from the Bakhtinian concept of heteroglossia this dissertation leads to a sociolinguistic analysis of the linguistic habits of collaborators, highlighting how language becomes one of the forms of power imbalance.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2021
- Subject Headings
- Sociolinguistics, Authorship—Collaboration, Ethics, Women's writing
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Guided interpretations and the importance of signs: Text, reader, and author in Carlos Fuentes and Jorge Luis Borges.
- Creator
- Biasetti, Giada, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
- Abstract/Description
The purpose of the following thesis is to apply Umberto Eco's concepts included in his essay Intentio Lectoris, the Peircean notions of the relationship between the object, the sign, and the interpretant, and other essays that deal with the relationship between the reader, the text, and the author to two Latin American works of literature: one Mexican, Carlos Fuentes's "Chac Mool" and one Argentinean, Jorge Luis Borges's "Las ruinas circulares." The objective is to discuss the structural...
Show moreThe purpose of the following thesis is to apply Umberto Eco's concepts included in his essay Intentio Lectoris, the Peircean notions of the relationship between the object, the sign, and the interpretant, and other essays that deal with the relationship between the reader, the text, and the author to two Latin American works of literature: one Mexican, Carlos Fuentes's "Chac Mool" and one Argentinean, Jorge Luis Borges's "Las ruinas circulares." The objective is to discuss the structural devices that guide the reader through particular interpretations, analyze the sociohistorical agents that influence the author as well as the reader, and pinpoint the difference between two possible types of interpretation, political and symbolic, based on two concepts pertaining respectively to "Chac Mool" and "Las ruinas circulares:" the statue of Chac Mool as the symbol of the Pre-Colombian traditional values and the dream as a symbol of the process of writing.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Subject Headings
- Literature, Comparative, Literature, Latin American
- Format
- Document (PDF)