Current Search:   Department of Curriculum, Culture, and Educational Inquiry (x)

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Early Childhood Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Children’sCognitive Development and Developmentally AppropriatePedagogical Practices: Understanding the Role of ClinicalExperiences
Equitable access to educational resources: an investigation of the distribution of teacher qualityacross secondary schools in South Florida
Going Global in Costa Rica: A Mixed Method Study Examining Teachers of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and Its Growth in a Developing Country
Going on the Grid: Secondary Teachers’ Implementation of Mobile Handheld Devices as Instructional Tools
A Critical Comparative Study of Media Literacy in Australia, England, And The United States
A Case Study of the Reported Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies by Postsecondary Instructors of Developmental Reading Courses With Struggling Adult Readers to Increase Comprehension
Impact of Collaborative Work Analysis Professional Development in Teacher Practice and Student Writing
Influence of Subject Taught (STEM), Title I, and Grade Level of Instruction for Components in an Effective Professional Development Design
Preparing Pre-service Teachers to Educate Emerging Bilingual Students: A Textual Analysis of Teacher Education Curriculum in Elementary-Level Language Arts Methods Textbooks
Perceptions of Academic Resilience Among Teachers and Twelfth Grade Adolescent Girls
Perspectives of Florida Middle Social Studies Teachers Regarding the Impact of High-Stakes Testing on Their Instructional Choices and Resulting Student Learning
Precursors Of Sexualization: Perspectives of Mothers and Female Teachers Regarding the Influence of the Media on 4-Year-Old Girls’ Gender Identity Development
Talking in Circles: A Mixed Methods Study of School-wide Restorative Practices in Two Urban Middle Schools
The Social Construction Of Teachers and the Teaching Profession Among Florida State Legislators from 1984 to 2015
Young Children in Foster Care: A Phenomenological Study of Early Childhood Teachers Experiences
Writing, elementary teachers, and English language learners: a case study of teacher reported pedagogical knowledge and collaborative inquiry in a title 1 school
The Beliefs of Advanced Placement Teachers Regarding Equity and Access to Advanced Placement Courses: A Mixed-Methods Study
The Effectiveness Of The National Board Certification As It Relates To The Advanced Placement Calculus AB Exam
The Relationship Between Sense of Belonging and Instructor Self-Efficacy Among Online Adjunct Faculty in Higher Education
The Impact of “Real World” Experiences through Academic Service Learning on Students’ Success Rate, Attitudes, and Motivation in Intermediate Algebra at a Public University
