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Assessment of clilmate change impacts on streamflow trends using a water balance model
Blast/explosion resistant analysis of composite steel girder bridge system
Cement stabilization of organic soils for controlling secondary compression behavior
Centrally prestressed fiber reinforced concrete columns
Catastrophic event planning and response for urban areas through dynamic traffic assignment and departure time-slot allocation
Experimental evaluation of the durability of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete in the marine environment
Evaluation of optimal real-time reflectivity-rainfall rate (Z-R) functional relationships
Evaluation of power function approximation of NEXRAD and rain gauge based precipitation estimates
Collection and analyses of physical data for deep injection wells in Florida
Comparative analysis between the diverging diamond interchange and partial cloverleaf interchange using microsimulation modeling
Dynamic characterization and forensic investigation of reinforced asphalt pavement cores from SR15/US98
Development of functional relationships between radar and rain gage data using inductive modeling techniques
Durability prediction of recycled aggregate concrete under accelerated aging and environmental exposure
Farfield modeling of the Boynton Inlet plume using sulfur hexafluoride as tracer
Effect of median grain size ratio on the compaction behavior of binary granular mixes
Advanced methods in sea level rise vulnerability assessment
Influences of climate variability and change on precipitation characteristics and extremes
Numerical simulation and prediction of loads in marine current turbine full-scale rotor blades
Nanotechology in concrete
Non-destructive evaluation of reinforced asphalt pavement built over soft organic soils
