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efficient test strategy for microprogrammable minicomputers
effects of sensor mislocation in vertical arrays
class-based search system in unstructured peer-to-peer networks
empirical study of resource-based selection of rule-based software quality classification models
empirical study of module order models
convenient state machine formalism for high-level control of autonomous underwater vehicles
connected dominating-set-based routing in ad hoc wireless networks
critical investigation of SQLJ
comparison of shallow water sound propagation measurements and computer model predictions
effect of compressive creep on the structural integrity and drainage capacity of landfill lining systems
evaluation of the POSTGRES DBMS
experimental investigation of the performance of a series of propellers for a human powered underwater vehicle
experimental study of the response of circular plates subjected to fluid loading
framework for an icon-based software engineering environment
fuzzy logic based flight control system for the FAU "Ocean Voyager" autonomous underwater vehicle
multiprocessor simulator to test fault detection and reconfiguration algorithms
numerical technique for multiple shock capturing in steady, quasi one-dimensional flows
Fuzzy auto-detection of bottom mines
GSM network simulation and performance analysis
Feature extraction implementation for handwritten numeral recognition
