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Pursuit of agency profits: An evaluation of community redevelopment agencies in Florida
Physicians' perceptions of managed care
Policymaking on violence against women in the United States: A multi-theoretical perspective on the terrorization of women
Policy of Abuse: A Framework of Public Policy Dimensions Analyzing Systematic Sexual Violence in Bosnia
Privatization as an administrative reform: The case of Bangladesh
Representative bureaucracy: Active representation in a juvenile justice context
Outlining a theory about the practical use of theory: A discourse-practice theoretic analysis of academic public administration symposia genre
assessment of the organizational effectiveness of faith-based and secular community development corporations in the provision of economic development and other services
empirical study of farm workers in South Florida: Environmental injustice in the fields?
exploratory study of victim participation in the justice systems of Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad/Tobago
impact of electronic commerce (e-commerce) on sales tax revenue
impact of the budget deficit on key macroeconomic variables in the major industrial countries
investigation of the availability, distribution, and usability of the comprehensive annual financial reports of United States cities
interrelationships of organizational commitment, trust and participatory decision-making practices in public organizations
effects of socioeconomic, political, and organizational factors on the implementation of community policing: A conceptual framework for an innovative policy
conceptual model of the emergence of shared leadership: The effects of organizational structure, culture, and context variables on public employee perceptions of leadership
function of leadership styles and personality types among city managers: An analysis of "fit" and tenure
Medicaid incentive reimbursement programs in long-term care: An evaluation of the Florida Medicaid AIDS nursing home admission program
Measuring performance in the public sector: An examination of benchmarking paramedic response times
Measured impact of federal government policies as determined by stock market capital values for selected industries
