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Washington County Free Library, Hagerstown, Maryland
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Norfolk, Va.
Hawthorn Heages, Yarmouth Nova Scotia
Mt. Adams from the River, Cincinnati, Ohio
Post Office Interior, Trieste, Austria
The Berkshire Inn, Atlantic City
Royal Avenue Hotel, Belfast
S. Miguel-Azores
Point Pleasant Park, Halifax , N.S., 8/17/1908
Henry Pfister, on Henry Pfister Florist and Landscape Architect letterhead, to Mr. Clarke [Alfred or Will]
E.M. Hood, in Oceanville, N.J., to Rudolph Kauffman at The Evening Star in D.C.
C.F. Guyon, on C.F. Guyon Company in N.Y. letterhead, to W.J.P. [Will] Clarke, in D.C.
Hairy Mate [Charles Linkins], on Stafford Hotels in N.Y. notepaper, to Cap. [Will Clarke]
Alfred [Clarke], on West End Hotel, N.J. note paper, to his brother, Will
[Will Clarke's handwriting] to an unidentified person
G.M. Wolfe, on the letterhead of Wolfe & Miller General Merchandise in Forest Glen, Md., to Mr. [Will] Clarke
J.A.[John] Clarke, in D.C., to his father, William, in N.Y.
Charlie [Linkins], on Charles Linkins, Agent for M.E. Norment in D.C. stationary, to Cap [Will Clarke]
A.J.C. [Alfred Clarke] in St. Augustine, FL to his brother, Will, in D.C.
Hairy Mate [Charles Linkins], on Paxton in Omaha, Nebraska notepaper, to Cap [Will Clarke]
