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School-business partnerships: Awareness, attitudes, and actions of secondary school principals and their business counterparts in selected Florida school districts
Mentoring across multiple generations of school leaders
Distributed leadership: An exploratory study
Building a template of electoral strategies for women who aspire to the superintendency in appointed school districts within the southern United States
Values underlying the parental selection of charter schools: A multi-site case analysis
exploratory study of the multicultural responsiveness of higher education faculty at two South Florida universities
Instructional Leadership In High Schools: The Effects of Principals, Assistant Principals, and Department Heads on Student Achievement
Language and leadership: Exploring the relationship between critical theories and the hegemonic construction of student achievement
Socio-Cultural Leadership: An Innovative Model For School Leadership
The Implications of Florida's 1998 Constitutional Revision on Education Finance Reform : A Legal Analysis Of Florida' s 1998 Constitution Revision Concerning Its Impact To The Legitimacy Of Florida's Education Financing Plan
An exploratory examination of “pockets of success” in creating urban high schools of opportunity for LSES students
An Assessment of Leadership Practice in High Schools: Improving Graduation Rates
An Investigation of Kindergarten Teachers’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Reported Practices Regarding Teacher Leadership in the State of Kuwait
A Model for Improving Teacher Engagement Through Administrative Support
Concurrent Enrollment and Academic Performance of Community College English Language Learners
Factors That Contribute to Healthy Professional Relationships and a Positive Perception of School Climate in Christian Schools
Global-Mindedness in Study Abroad Professionals
Globalization and Higher Education in Florida's State University System
Possible Futures for Teacher Education Programs: Meta-Theory Orientation
Virtual K-12 leadership: a postmodern paradigm
