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Ira Abrams
Catanese with Steven Abrams
Big data and analytics: the future of music marketing
Modernizing copyright for equitable treatment in the streaming age
Music Publicity: Independent Public Relations in the Digital Age
Pop Cultures: A Comparative Analysis of the American and South Korean Record Industries
The policy of the war and arbitrary arrests : speech of Hon. Abram B. Weaver, of Oneida, on the governor's annual message, delivered in the House of assembly of the state of New York, March 10th, 1863
The mutual relations of capital and labor : a paper read at the Church Congress in Cincinnati, Oct. 18, 1878
"Fear not Abram"
Extracts from Gen. James A. Garfield's speeches in support of law, order, and justice, the Constitutional powers of the government and the maintenance of the honor and interests of the people and nation.
General Garfield as a statesman and orator : paragraphs from his speeches in Congress and on the stump
Endicott's letter : Garfield's speech on honest money : delivered at Faneuil Hall, Boston, Sept. 10, 1878
The preservation of the States united:" a discourse delivered in Harvard church, Charlestown, on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 29, 1860 by George Ellis.