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Medusae from McMurdo sound, Ross Sea including the descriptions of two new species, Leuckartiara brownei and Benthocodon hyalinus

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Title: Medusae from McMurdo sound, Ross Sea including the descriptions of two new species, Leuckartiara brownei and Benthocodon hyalinus.
Name(s): Larson, R. J., creator
Harbison, G. R., creator
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Type of Resource: text
Genre: Article
Issuance: single unit
Date Issued: 1990
Publisher: Springer
Extent: 8 p.
Physical Description: pdf
Language(s): English
Identifier: 3333178 (digitool), FADT3333178 (IID), fau:6268 (fedora), 10.1007/BF00236517 (doi)
Note(s): Seven species of medusae were collected using scuba equipment in neritic waters of McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Two species dominated, the narcomedusa Solmundella bitentaculata and the scyphomedusa Diplulmaris antarctica. Two new taxa were found. Leuckartiara brownei n. sp., a pandeid anthomedusa, has gonads with two major longitudinal folds in the interradii and several smaller perradially directed folds. Besides four large perradial tentacles, it has up to 28 short rudimentary tentacles. This is the first report of this genus from the Southern Ocean.
This manuscript is an author version with the final publication available at and may be cited as: Larson, R. J., & Harbison, G. R. (1990). Medusae from McMurdo sound, Ross Sea including the descriptions of two new species, Leuckartiara brownei and Benthocodon hyalinus. Polar Biology, 11(1), 19-25. doi:10.1007/BF00236517
Florida Atlantic University. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute contribution #799.
Subject(s): Medusae
McMurdo Sound (Antarctica)
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Restrictions on Access: ©1990 Springer
Host Institution: FAU