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On long-term net flow over Great Bahama Bank

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Title: On long-term net flow over Great Bahama Bank.
Name(s): Smith, Ned P., creator
Type of Resource: text
Genre: Article
Issuance: single unit
Date Issued: 1995
Publisher: American Meteorological Society (AMS)
Extent: 7 p.
Physical Description: pdf
Language(s): English
Identifier: 3321410 (digitool), FADT3321410 (IID), fau:6072 (fedora)
Note(s): A 398-day time series of middepth current measurements is combined with available wind and bottom pressure measurements and historical salinity data to characterize long-term net flow patterns over Great Bahama Bank between the Tongue of the Ocean and Exuma Sound.
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This is the final published version of an article available at and may be cited as: Smith, N. P. (1995). On long-term net flow over Great Bahama Bank. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25(4), 679-684. doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1995)025<0679:OLTNFO>2.0.CO;2
Florida Atlantic University. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute contribution #1051.
Subject(s): Water currents--Measurement
Great Bahama Bank (Bahamas)
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Restrictions on Access: ©1995 American Meteorological Society (AMS)
Host Institution: FAU