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Nassau grouper aquaculture

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Title: Nassau grouper aquaculture.
Name(s): Tucker, John W., Jr., creator
Woodward, Peter N., creator
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Type of Resource: text
Genre: Article
Issuance: single unit
Date Issued: 1996
Publisher: International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management
Extent: 16 p.
Physical Description: pdf
Language(s): English
Identifier: 3183733 (digitool), FADT3183733 (IID), fau:5971 (fedora)
Note(s): Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus). which ranges throughout the tropical western Atlantic, is highly valued commercially and has been severely depleted in many areas. We have studied the reproduction and culture of this species since 1987. Short-term captive wild fish produced eggs in four ways: (1) induced ovulation with human chorionic gonadotropin followed by artificial fertilization: (2) induced ovulation followed by fertilization by males in the holding tank; (3) natural ovulation followed by artificial fertilization; and (4) natural ovulation followed by fertilization in the holding tank. Longterm captive fish also have spawned; (5) unexpected voluntary spawning in a cage in a related project; and (6) planned voluntary spawning in a concrete raceway.
This manuscript may be cited as: Tucker, J. W., Jr., & Woodward, P. N. (1996). Nassau grouper aquaculture. In F. Arreguín-Sánchez, J. L. Munro, M. C. Bolgos & D. Pauly (Eds.), Biology, fisheries, and culture of tropical groupers and snappers: Proceedings of an EPOMEX/ICLARM International Workshop on Tropical Snappers and Groupers, held at the University of Campeche, Campeche, Mexico, 26-29 October 1993. (pp. 363-377). Makati City, Philippines: International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management.
Florida Atlantic University. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute contribution #1030.
Subject(s): Nassau grouper
Epinephelus striatus
Fish culture
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Restrictions on Access: ©1996 International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM)
Host Institution: FAU