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Fast underwater acoustic data link design via multicarrier modulation and higher-order statistics equalization

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Title: Fast underwater acoustic data link design via multicarrier modulation and higher-order statistics equalization.
Name(s): Bessios, Anthony G., creator
Caimi, F. M., creator
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Type of Resource: text
Genre: Article
Issuance: single unit
Date Issued: 1995
Publisher: MTS/IEEE
Extent: 7 p.
Physical Description: pdf
Language(s): English
Identifier: 3172993 (digitool), FADT3172993 (IID), fau:5723 (fedora), 10.1109/OCEANS.1995.526822 (doi)
Note(s): There is a global need to develop reliable wireless digital communications; for the underwater environment, with sufficient performance and efficiency to substitute for costly wired systems. Scientific research conducted in the oceans and coastal areas could benefit through the reduction of cost for acquisition and downloading of data from remote monitoring sites. Undersea robotics could benefit through improvement of the communications features of manned and unmanned underwater vehicles for control and for near real-time conveyance of data and images.
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Florida Atlantic University. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute contribution #1150.
Subject(s): Wireless communication systems
Digital communications
Remote submersibles
Stochastic analysis
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Restrictions on Access: ©1995 MTS/IEEE
Host Institution: FAU