Voters prefer leaders with lower-pitched voices because they are perceived as stronger,
having greater physical prowess, more competent, and having greater integrity. An alternative
hypothesis that has yet to be tested is that lower-pitched voices are perceived as older
and thus wiser and more experienced. Here the relationships between candidate voice
pitch, candidate age, and electoral success are examined with two experiments. Study 1
tests whether voters discriminate on candidate age. The results show that male and female
candidates in their 40s and 50s, the time in the lifecycle when voice pitch is at its lowest, are
preferred over candidates in their 30s, 60s, and 70s. Study 2 shows that the preference for
leaders with lower-pitched voices correlates with the perception that speakers with lower
voices are stronger, more competent, and older, but the influence of perception of age on
vote choice is the weakest of the three.