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Tidal and long-period exchanges between upper Laguna Madre and Corpus Christi Bay, Texas

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Title: Tidal and long-period exchanges between upper Laguna Madre and Corpus Christi Bay, Texas.
Name(s): Smith, Ned P.
Type of Resource: text
Genre: Article
Date Issued: 1978
Publisher: Texas A & I University.
Place of Publication: Kingsville, TX
Physical Form: pdf
Extent: 15 p.
Language(s): English
Identifier: FA00007133 (IID), fau:32700 (fedora)
Note(s): Current-meter data and water level measurements from Upper LagunaMadre, Texas, are used to explain a north-to-south increase in both themulti-annual average salinity and the standard deviation about the average.Long-period exchanges, and to a lesser extent co-oscillating tidalmotions, between Corpus Christi Bay and Upper Laguna Madre buffersalinity extremes arising from temporal variations in the local balancebetween precipitation and evaporation. The observed salinity distributionappears to reflect the penetration of meteorologically forced exchangesinto Upper Laguna Madre.
Florida Atlantic University. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute contribution 119
This manuscript is an author version with the final publication available and may be cited as: Smith, N. P. (1978). Tidal and long-period exchanges between upper Laguna Madre and Corpus Christi Bay, Texas. TAIUS 9(1), 37-51.
Subject(s): Laguna Madre (Tex.)
Corpus Christi Bay (Tex.)
Tidal currents
Water levels--Measurement
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