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Lévy flights in Dobe Ju/’hoansi foraging patterns

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Title: Lévy flights in Dobe Ju/’hoansi foraging patterns.
Name(s): Liebovitch, Larry S., creator
Brown, Clifford T., creator
Glendon, Rachel, creator
Type of Resource: text
Genre: Article
Issuance: single unit
Date Issued: 2007-02-01
Publisher: Springer
Language(s): English
Identifier: 165800 (digitool), FADT165800 (IID), fau:2612 (fedora), 10.1007/s10745-006-9083-4 (doi)
FAU Department/College: Department of Psychology Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Note(s): The authors analyzed data on Ju/’hoansi hunter–gatherer foraging patterns and found that their movements between residence camps can be modeled as a Lévy flight. The step lengths of their movements scale as a power law with an exponent μ=1.97. Their wait times (residence times) at the camps also scale as a power law (μ=1.45). A Lévy flight with step lengths μ=2 is an optimal search pattern for scarce, randomly located targets; thus, the Ju/’hoansi foraging pattern may approach an optimal search in this area of sparse plant and animal resources. These findings affect the application of optimal foraging theory to humans in anthropology and archaeology because they alter the way in which search and travel times should be quantified. These results may also carry implications for the study of other patterns of human movement, such as demic diffusion and migration.
This manuscript is a version of an article published in Human Ecology v. 35, no. 1 (February 2007) p. 129–138
Subject(s): Hunting and gathering societies--statistical methods
Khoisan (African people)
Human Migration Patterns
Human ecology--Africa
Human settlements--Mathematical models
Search theory
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Restrictions on Access: ©2007 Springer Netherlands
Host Institution: FAU

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