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role of identity in posttraumatic growth and psychological adjustment for adults with cancer
Family resiliency, family needs and community re-integration in persons with brain injury
Pedometers in the curriculum
EEG in preschool children and the development of empathy
clinical scholar model
Product placement within violent media
More branches on the oldest tree
relationship bertween wellness and burnout among novice counselors
development of jealousy
war within houses
Imperialism and the 1999 Women's World Cup
Attentional and affective responses to complex musical rhythms
GIving voice to historical trauma through storytelling
Gender, sports, and adjustment in preadolescent children
Personality and the news
exploration of factors affecting the academic success of students in a college quantitative business course
Dissipating hostility through feminine rhetorical style
relationship of self-directed learning readiness to knowledge-based and performance-based measures of success in third-year medical students
Watching a life over time
Sports and its effects on gender typing
