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A comparison of nutrient-and light-limited photosynthesis in psammophytic versus epilithic forms of Halimeda (Caulerpales, Halimedaceae) from the Bahamas
A comparison of nutrient-limited productivity in macroalgae from a Caribbean barrier reef and from a mangrove ecosystem
Algenwachstum in ozeanischen Tiefen [Plant life of the deep ocean realm]
An experimental test of the capacity of food web interactions (fish-epiphytes-seagrasses) to offset the negative consequences of eutrophication on seagrass communities
An illustrated marine flora of the Pelican Cays, Belize
An undescribed fungal pathogen of reef-forming crustose coralline algae discovered in American Samoa
Assessment of coral reefs using herbivory/nutrient assays and indicator groups of benthic primary producers: a critical synthesis, proposed protocols, and critique of management strategies
Blade abandonment/proliferation: a novel mechanism for rapid epiphyte control in marine macrophytes
Castles built by chiton from the Great Astrolabe Reef, Fiji
Checklist of marinealgae and seagrasses from the ponds of the Pelican Cays, Belize
Coralline algal rhodoliths form extensive benthic communities in the Gulf of Chiriqui, Pacific Panama
Deep-water plant communities from an uncharted seamount off San Salvador Island, Bahamas: distribution, abundance, and primary productivity
Deepest known plant life discovered on an uncharted seamount
Disturbances due to Cyclone Gavin parallel those caused by a ship grounding
Epithallus sloughing: a self-cleaning mechanism for coralline algae
Epizoic red alga allelopathic to a Caribbean coral.
Guide to the dominant macroalgae of the stromatolite fringing reef complex,Highborne Cay, Bahamas
Halimeda pygmaea and Halimeda pumila (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta): two new dwarf species from fore reef slopes in Fiji and the Bahamas
Harmful algae on tropical coral reefs: Bottom-up eutrophication and top-down herbivory
Living stromatolites, built by the cyanobacterium Schizothrix gebeleinii, form enduring modern reef structures
