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Three Women Potters in Iran: Issues of Art, Craft and Gender
Tissue-specific requirement of the autophagy gene atg-18 in controlling C. elegans dauer morphogenesis, fat metabolism and adult longevity
TLR agonists differentially induce maturation of nicotine-exposed dendritic cell
To Cleave or Not to Cleave? Defining the Functional Role of Amyloid Precursor Protein in the Development of the Drosophila Giant Fiber Circuit
To show the differences and similarities in Iranian and American culture through the graphic design
Trabecular Structure through Ontogeny in the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris)
Trachemys scripta immunoglobulin-rich fractions hydrolyze viral DNA in vitro
Tracing feminisms in Brazil: an analysis of gender and race in academic discourses and online activism
Traffic Sign Effectiveness
Trajectories of perceived support in mother-adolescent relationships: the poor (quality) get poorer
Transition to a paperless clinical monitoring process to support pharmacy model changes
Travel-time Based Signal Performance Measures (TTSPM)
Treatment Options for Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
TruD's Effect On RNA Oxidation
Tumonoic Acid Ј, a glycosidic analog isolated from Lyngbya sp
Unconscious Plagiarism in Young and Older Adults
Uncovering the role of the rodent dorsal hippocampus in object recognition memory
Undergraduate Law Journal Strategic Analysis & Alignment Plan
Undergraduate Research Symposium 2011
Undergraduate Research Symposium 2012
