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Cardiac patterns during another infant’s cry sound in neonates of depressed mothers
Caring for Caregivers: Challenges of Paid Caring Labor in the United States Home Health Industry
Cascading effects of vegetation on peat soil properties and crayfish survival in the Florida Everglades
Catastrophic event planning and response optimization for urban areas through dynamic traffic assignment and departure time-slot allocation.
Changes in Ant Species Distribution on Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches in St Croix, US Virgin Islands
Changing cooperation to competition disrupts attitudes and valence: first test of a dynamical model
Characterizing Immune Cells of Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins
Chitinase-3 like-protein-1 CHI3L1 expression associated with pulmonary inflammation accelerates breast cancer metastasis
City in the sky: the utopian architecture of Buckminster Fuller
Climate change impacts on the secondary metabolite production in Caribbean coral reef sponges
CMOS analog design using heuristic design method
Coastal Sediment Reflectance Analysis using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
Cognitive and affective dynamics in interpersonal conflict: computer simulation and empirical test of a formal model
Cognitive performance predicted by recreational drug use
Cohesion and Non-separating Trees in connected graphs
Comparative functional morphology of hooked setae versus pappose setae on the exoskeleton of the Florida Speck Claw Decorator Crab Microphrys bicornutus
Comparative survey of hemoparasites in two south Florida gopher tortoise populations
Comparing "look patterns" of infants and adults when viewing a talking face
Comparison of Data Sampling Approaches for Imbalanced Bioinformatics Data
Comparison of growth patterns in three species of juvenile sea turtles
