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Feasibility study: Diver heating system for use aboard Johnson-Sea-Link
Final cruise report: Submersible and scuba collections around little Bahama Bank, Bahama Islands
Final Report- Survey of fish assemblages and benthic habitat at Pulley Ridge, S.W. Florida shelf; Part 1- Characterization of benthic habitat and biota with documentation of hard/live bottom.  Report to NOAA Fisheries
Final report: Long-term transport patterns in Florida Bay
Fishes of the Indian River Lagoon and adjacent waters, Florida
Fishing industry energy conservation conference
Fouling community studies in the Indian River
Harbortown marina seagrass study
Initial steps towards a performance evaluation of the Johnson-Sea-Link hydrocrane system
Investigating the remains of the U.S.S. Monitor
Johnson-Sea-Link data logging system user's manual
Johnson-Sea-Link II lock-out chamber penetrator plate strain gage analysis
Johnson-Sea-Link submersibles tools for research and discovery: Summary of users, publications, documentaries and testimonials
Kogia heart dissection manual
Launch and recovery system for Johnson-Sea-Link I and II status and recommendations
Life suppot materials in a manned submersible
Long-term net transport through three tidal channels in the interior of Florida Bay
Low frequency current variability on the continental shelf off Fort Pierce, Florida
Low-frequency tidal and seasonal water level variations in Florida Bay
