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Reevaluation of ENCORE: support for the eutrophication threshold model for coral reefs
Development of aquaculture methods for southern flounderParalichthys lethostigma: I. Spawning and larval culture
Development of aquaculture methods for southern flounder Paralichthus lethostigma: II. Nursery and grow-out
Suppression of the highpressure nervous syndrome (HPNS) in human dives to 720 ft. and 1000 ft. by use of N2/He/O2.
Inhalation toxicity of Brevetoxin 3 in rats exposed for 5 days
Seasonal occurrence and variation in standing crop of a drift algal community in the Indian River, Florida
Periclimenes ingressicolumbi, new species, a pontoniine shrimp associated with deep-water echinoids off San Salvador Island in the Bahamas, and a comparison with Periclimenes milleri
Spongiocaris hexactinellicola, a new species of Stenopodidean shrimp (Decapoda: Stenopodidae) associated with hexactinellid sponges from Tartar Bank, Bahamas
Compound compensation strategies for wireless data communications over the multimodal acoustic ocean waveguide
Multipath compensation for underwater acoustic communication
High-rate wireless data communications: an underwater acoustic communications framework at the physical layer
Fast underwater acoustic data link design via multicarrier modulation and higher-order statistics equalization
Tubercidin, A Cytotoxic Agent from the Marine Sponge Caulospongia biflabellata
Preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the bivalve family Galeommatidae
Anatomy and reproductive biology of two Western Atlantic species of Vitrinellidae, with a case of protandrous hermaphroditism in the Rissoacea
Solitary ascidians as predators of invertebrate larvae: evidence from gut analyses and plankton samples
Influence of sponges on invertebrate recruitment: a field test of allelopathy
Stochastic events and dynamics of a mangrove root epifaunal community
Larval behavior of the ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata Herdman; an in situ experimental study of the effects of swimming on dispersal
Larval phototaxis in barnacles and snails associated with bathyal sea urchins
