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Discovery and investigation of survivin-targeting marine natural products from Ellisella paraplexauroides and Eudistoma olivaceum
Spongiatriol Inhibits Nuclear Factor Kappa B Activation and Induces Apoptosis in Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Correction: Kallifatidis, G. et al. The Marine Natural Product Manzamine A Targets Vacuolar ATPases and Inhibits Autophagy in Pancreatic Cancer Cells. Mar. Drugs 2013, 11, 3500–3516
The Marine Natural Product Manzamine A Targets Vacuolar ATPases and Inhibits Autophagy in Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Natural Products from the Lithistida: A Review of the Literature since 2000
Marine natural products
Total synthesis and biological evaluation of aseries of macrocyclic hybrids and analogues of the antimitotic natural products Dictyostatin,Discodermolide, and Taxol
Leiodermatolide, a potent antimitotic macrolide from the marine sponge Leiodermatium sp.
Isolation of marine natural products
Bioactivity of marine organisms: relationships with taxonomy, geography and depth
A new bicyclic guanidine alkaloid, Sch 575948, from amarine sponge, Ptilocaulis spiculifer
Cytotoxic peptides from marine sponges
Development of techniques for in vitro production of bioactive natural products from marine sponges
Antimicrobial constituent of the brown alga Sporochnus pedunculatus
In vitro production of marine-derived antitumor compounds
1,1-Dimethyl-5,6-dihydroxyindolinium chloride from a deep water marine sponge, Dercitus sp.
Selective cytotoxic activity of the marine derivedbatzelline compounds against pancreatic cancer cell lines
Total synthesis of a library of designed hybrids of the microtubule-stabilising anticancer agents taxol, discodermolide and dictyostatin
Marine organisms as a source of novel lead structures for drug development
Stereochemical determination of dictyostatin, a novel microtubule-stabilising macrolide from the marine sponge Corallistidae sp.
