Current Search:  Wireless communication systems -- Technological innovations (x)

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Application of video error resilience techniques for mobile broadcast multicast services (MBMS)
Impact of interference on connectivity and outage performances in wireless communication networks
Adaptive hierarchical weighted fair queuing scheduling in WiMAX networks
Cross-domain authentication for multi-protocol phones
Key management in mobile ad hoc networks
A Phased Approach to Evaluate the Performance of Handoff by Mobile Handsets
Studies on performance aspects of smart wireless devices and related network services
Knowledge Discovery Through Drive Test Data Visualization
Investigation of debonding failures in sandwich constructions
Mechanisms for prolonging network lifetime in wireless sensor networks
Resilient system design and efficient link management for the wireless communication of an ocean current turbine test bed
Implementation of a mobile data collector in wireless sensor networks for energy conservation
Design and implementation of efficient routing protocols in delay tolerant networks
Probabilistic predictor-based routing in disruption-tolerant networks
Reliable, energy-aware cross-layer protocol for wireless sensor networks
Mechanisms for improving energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks
Patterns for wireless sensor networks
Statistical broadcast protocol design for VANET
Implementations Of The DTM, DADCQ And SLAB VANET Broadcast Protocols For The Ns-3 Simulator
Web-based wireless sensor network monitoring using smartphones
