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Gelatinous zooplankton net-collected in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent submarine canyons: newspecies, new family (Jeanboilloniidae), taxonomic remarks and some parasites
Radiographic techniques in studies of young fishes
A survey of the marine diatoms of Puerto Rico IV. Suborder Araphidineae: Families Diatomaceae and Protoraphidaceae
A survey of the marine diatoms of Puerto Rico VI. suborder Raphidineae: family Naviculaceae. (Genera Haslea, Mastogloia and Navicula)
A survey of the marine diatoms of Puerto Rico II. Suborder Biddulphiineae: Families Biddulphiaceae, Lithodesmiaceae and Eupodiscaceae
A survey of the marine diatoms of Puerto Rico III. Suborder Biddulphiineae: family Chaetoceraceae
A survey of themarine diatoms of Puerto Rico I. suborders Coscinodiscineae and Rhizosoleniineae
Photo album and taxonomy of benthic macrobiota and fish from 2011-2013 ROV dives on shelf-edge MPAs off southeastern U.S.
Distribution and systematics of Foraminifera in the Indian River, Florida