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SHINE: An integrated environment for software hardware co-design
Fuzzy logic techniques for software reliability engineering
Software decomposition for multicore architectures
Remote gaming on resource constrained devices
Patterns for Enterprise Application Design and Development
Object recognition on Android mobil platform using speeded up robust features
Design patterns and object oriented model of a biometric service system
Ensemble-classifier approach to noise elimination: A case study in software quality classification
Correcting noisy data and expert analysis of the correction process
procedure for evaluation and selection of computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools for analysis and design
Asset identification using image descriptors
Development of a Mobile Mapping System for Road Corridor Mapping
Framework for requirements-driven system design automation
Towards a portal and search engine to facilitate academic and research collaboration in engineering and
pattern-driven process for secure service-oriented applications
A Comparison of Model Checking Tools for Service Oriented Architectures
Model-Driven Architecture and the Secure Systems Methodology
VoIP Network Security and Forensic Models using Patterns
design of reliable decentralized computer systems
selectively redundant file system
