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Optimization and inductive models for continuous estimation of hydrologic variables
Statistics preserving spatial interpolation methods for missing precipitation data
Contextual Modulation of Competitive Object Candidates in Early Object Recognition
The Manteño of the Cloud Forest: Settlement Patterns and Spatial Analysis of Manteño Stone Architecture in the Las Tusas River Valley in Manabí, Ecuador
cave as a cosmogram: The use of GIS in an intrasite spatial analysis of the main chamber of Actun Tunichil Muknal, a Maya ceremonial cave in Western Belize
GIS and spatial data analysis: A case study using MODFLOW and ARC/INFO
Assessment of Changes in Precipitation Data Characteristics due to Infilling by Spatially Interpolated Estimates
System Level Modeling and Simulation with MLDesigner
GIS approach to linking spatial patterns and trip generation/trip distribution modeling
Data Fusion of LiDAR and Aerial Imagery to Map the Campus of Florida Atlantic University
Mapping urban land cover using multi-scale and spatial autocorrelation information in high resolution imagery
High Resolution Population Distribution Estimates for Improved Decision Making, With a Case Study of Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability in Boca Raton, Florida
Spatial and Temporal Mapping of the Evolution of the Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)