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Long-term pullout resistance of geogrid reinforcement for retaining walls
Time- stress-compressibility characteristics of cementitiously stabilized organic soils
Coupled Effect of Geosynthetics and Randomly Distributed Fibers on the Stability of Reinforced Slopes
Use of piezocone penetration tests for rapid in-situ characterization of Florida organic soil
Soil-geosynthetic reinforcement interaction for mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall systems
Studies of specific gene expression of phosphate transporters in sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense crantz) and cattail (Typha domingensis pers.)
Stability Analysis of Geosynthetic Reinforced MSW Landfill Slopes Considering Effects of Biodegradation and Extreme Wind Loading
Cement stabilization of organic soils for controlling secondary compression behavior
Non-destructive evaluation of reinforced asphalt pavement built over soft organic soils
Patterns of inorganic phosphate and carbohydrate allocation in sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense Crantz) and southern cattail (Typha domingensis Pers.) grown at low and high phosphate levels
Innovative Expansion of Landfill Capacity Using Geogrid Reinforcements