Current Search:  Seagrasses--Habitat (x)

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Latitudinal patterns in seagrass epifauna: Do patterns exist, and can they be explained?
Motile epifauna of marine macrophytes in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. I. Comparisons among three species of seagrasses from adjacent beds
Motile epifauna of marine macrophytes in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. II. Comparisons between drift algae and three species of seagrasses
Eutrophication and trophic state classification of seagrass communities in the Florida Keys
Distribution of macrofauna within seagrass beds: an explanation for patterns of abundance
Tidal and long-term exchanges through channels in the middle and upper Florida Keys
Harbortown marina seagrass study
The influence of quantitative and qualitative aspects of habitat complexity in tropical sea-grass meadows
Blade abandonment/proliferation: a novel mechanism for rapid epiphyte control in marine macrophytes
Nekton: biomass and abundance
Seagrass biodiversity in the Indian River Lagoon